With the lack of snow cover an the ground I am still doing Fall cleanups. I guess I shouldn't complain because it's good money and I normally would've been finished with them a month ago, at least. I am in the process of insulating my shop. Last year liked to killed me. I don't know how much propane I burned last year but I am sure it could've kept a small village in heat for a couple of years. I finished the ceiling last nite and got up this morning to 2 degrees outside and a burning desire to sit in front of the fire in the house and do paperwork. It's 10:00am and it's still only 10 degrees. As much as I hate paperwork it's still better than going to the shop and waiting on it to warm up.
I drove down to Massechusettes (or however you spell it) at 5am yesterday to pick up a 1973 MC!-B Kawasaki 90. They were cool little bikes and if I get a chance I'll post picks.
My brother has been in Japan for a few months and iI'm trying to get him to bring me a Yellow Corn jacket back with him. I will have to put pics up of that